Incoherent Card Game Online
Each card has a combination of words on the front that, when recited out loud, sound like the phrase written on the back. Regular game is $25 or free download): Pin on SCapegoats Once the timer runs out or 3 cards have been decoded, the round is over, and the next person becomes the judge. Incoherent card game online . The first player to guess the phrase wins the card. Is a fun and fast paced card game, in which your goal is to get rid of your hand by attacking and defending against other players. From playing cards that could be decked into varying sizes, has a broad assortment of card games to make your leisure time memorable and fun. Incohearent is a party game with cards that seem like gibberish, but actually make sense when you read them out loud. Let the laughs begin as you compete to make sense out of gibberish from pop culture categories. Buy card games online at jumia nigeria. Scroll down to find the free print and play. Incohearent is the viral...